Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Risk Management Overview - Additional Information (Details)

Risk Management Overview - Additional Information (Details)
12 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2023
USD ($)
Mar. 31, 2022
USD ($)
Disclosure of risk management strategy related to hedge accounting [line items]    
Maximum credit exposure $ 9,352,538 $ 21,756
Trade payables and accrued liabilities 705,605 1,115,473
Due to share holder and related party payable 18,296 129,941
Cash $ 9,352,538 21,756
Contractual maturities of trade payables 90 days  
Percenatge of revenue 100.00%  
Customer Concentration Risk    
Disclosure of risk management strategy related to hedge accounting [line items]    
Revenue $ 8,561 0
Percenatge of revenue 100.00%  
Number of customer | Customer 1  
Accounts receivable from customers $ 0 $ 0
Credit Risk    
Disclosure of risk management strategy related to hedge accounting [line items]    
Information on how entity determined whether credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition The Company has assessed no significant increase in credit risk from initial recognition based on the availability of funds, the regulatory and economic environment of the financial intermediary. As a result, the loss allowance recognized during the period was limited to 12 months expected credit losses. Based on historical information, and adjusted for forward-looking expectations, the Company has assessed an insignificant loss allowance on this cash balance as at March 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively.